Donwload Free Ora School Suite – Ultimate school management system Nulled

Schoex application name has changed to OraSchool, New name with the same leadership and awesome suite

Ora School Suite - Ultimate school management system - 1
Ora School Suite - Ultimate school management system - 2

Ora School Suite - Ultimate school management system - 3
Ora School Suite - Ultimate school management system - 4
Ora School Suite - Ultimate school management system - 5
Ora School Suite - Ultimate school management system - 6

OraSchool Built on Laravel 5, Bootstrap 4 And AngularJS. Compatible with php 7.2

Schoex support 5 types of users :

  • Administrators
    • username : admin
    • password : admin123
  • Teachers
    • username : teacher
    • password : teacher123
  • Students
    • username : student
    • password : student123
  • Parents
    • username : parent
    • password : parent123
  • Accountants
    • username : account
    • password : account123

Documentation :

What’s new in OraSchool v7.0

  • Zoom integration
  • Create online meetings on the platform
  • Enhanced language import while upgrade
  • Fix issue on messaging roles between users

What’s new in OraSchool v6.0

  • ID cards module generation
  • “My Payroll” User can see his payroll summary
  • Support biometric for employees
  • Support Dept & design for teachers
  • Support for custom headers for HTTP SMS configurations
  • Support for controlling which user role can message another user role
  • Support for partial fee type dates
  • Support for inventory stock remaining items calculations
  • Bulk mark sheet generation
  • Bulk invoices generation
  • Support for automated invoice ID generation while creating manual invoice
  • Support attendance notifications for Present, Absent, late, late with excuse
  • Auto generate invoices for hostel & transportations when user assigned to one
  • Export function for online exams results
  • Dashboard widgets controlled from roles & permissions for Role-based dashboard
  • Collection invoice reports
  • Paystack payment gateway integration
  • Wider registration page with enhanced label for fields
  • Support for new invoice when student register
  • Enhanced margins control for Certificates
  • Enhance frontend pages slider picker
  • Enhance visitors, engird & postal view
  • Enhance data privacy for students, parents & teachers
  • Fix for submitting online exam when time ends
  • Fix for Autoscroll issue on Firefox

What’s new in OraSchool v5.0

  • New Advanced Permissions System – Unlimited roles types
    • Super Administrators
    • Administrators
    • Manager
    • Principal
    • Teacher
    • Student
    • Parents
    • Accountant
    • Librarian
    • HR
    • Receptionist
    • Store Keeper
  • Front Office
    • Visitors Log
      • Track your School visitors
      • Track purpose of visits
      • Track Check-in & Check-Out
    • Phone Calls
      • Track your incoming/outgoing phone calls
      • Track purpose, Type, duration and details of calls
    • Postal
      • Track your dispatch/received postal
    • Contact Messages: See your website visitor messages directly from Web Portal
    • Front Office Categories to easily manage sources, types & Purposes
  • Enquiries
    • Track classified Enquiries from Parents, Students, Teachers,…
  • Complaints
  • Track classified Complaints from Parents, Students, Teachers,…
  • More languages supported, You still can create your own language if your language isn’t in the list.

    • English
    • Arabic
    • French
    • Dutch
    • German
    • Hindi
    • Italian
    • Turkish
    • Russian
    • Spanish
    • Portuguse
    • Bengali
    • Chineese
    • Indonesian
    • Romanian
    • Thai
  • Manage Employees
  • Mange departments & designations
  • Enroll your school employees in the system
  • Classify each employee under dept. & design.
  • Easily control each employee roles & permissions
  • Students
  • New smart & advanced school admission form
  • Control student categories
  • Control Medical History
  • Enhanced view of father & mother information
  • Enhanced view of Guardian account information
  • Control students documents
  • Student Attendance

    • Add notes when taking the attendance
    • Attendance report redesigned completely
    • One view to see multiple students attendance with period
    • Calculation of presence percentage for each student
  • Staff Attendance

    • Add notes when taking the attendance
    • Check-In & Check-Out attendance tracking
    • Attendance report redesigned completely
    • One view to see multiple students attendance with period
    • Calculation of presence percentage for each student
  • Vacation

    • Completely redesigned vacation system
    • Approve/Decline Vacation requests
    • Users able to track their approved & declined vacation requests
  • Library Management

    • Completely redesigned library system
    • Mange users subscription to library system including employees and students
    • Issue/Return books to users
    • Track issued books to users, Dates and return dates
  • Inventory Management

    • Manage Stores
    • Manage Suppliers
    • Manage Inventory Categories
    • Manage items coding
    • Manage Items instock
    • Manage issued items
    • Manage returned items
  • Online Exams

    • Questions Bank
    • Randomize exam questions supported
    • Sharing questions, To allow question to be used by another teacher in another exam
    • Rich text editor for questions
    • Can attach images for each question
    • Unlimited number of questions supported
    • Unlimited number of options per each question supported
    • New UI for online exam taking
  • FrontEnd
    • New modern frontend design
    • Frontend permalink enhancements
    • Frontend pages order list
  • Dashboard
    • Today’s Birthday widget
    • Dashboard Widgets rearrangements
  • Enhanced view of exam schedule
  • Calculating total income
  • Calculating total expenses
  • Clickatell SMS Gateway support new API system
  • Salary Delete Payroll feature

What’s new in OraSchool v4.0

  • Frontend CMS
    • Easy to create new template
    • Unlimited pages
    • Draft controll
    • Advannced image library
    • Embedded images slider
    • 8 Embedded Themes
  • Biometric devices integration

    • Integrate OraSchool with your biometric device
    • OraSchool will track activity on your device and apply attendance based on it
    • Track device status & last update time
  • Improvements in payments & invoices
    • Immediate / Scheduled innvoice genneration
    • Fee Discount Codes
  • Income Module

    • Mannage income costs
    • Manage income categories
  • HR Payroll Salary

    • Manage Monthly Salary, Overtime, Allowences & Deductions
    • Manage Hourly Salary
    • Make payment to user and track payments
  • Advanced media uploader for media module
  • Advanced Homework Module with answers management system
  • PUSH Notifications for mobile apps embedded with payload functionality
  • Innline tester for Mail / SMS
  • Control accounts status ( Active – Inactive )
  • Native HTTPS Support
  • Enhancement in Responsive views
  • Summernote WYSIWYG Editor and can toggle between Summernote & CKeditor
  • Database export system
  • New reports included
  • PHP 7.2 Support
  • Bug fixes & enhancements

Ora School Suite - Ultimate school management system - 7
Ora School Suite - Ultimate school management system - 8

What’s New on Schoex 3.2

  • Accountant users login
  • Due invoices Notifications
  • Timestamp Offset for Islamic Calendars
  • Enhancements in mobile devices
  • iOS application is ready
  • PUSH Notifications Support for android & iOS
  • Media items and albums enhancements in thumbs generation
  • MSG91 support XML-API
  • Minor Bug fixes & improvements

What’s New on Schoex 3.0

  • Laravel 5.2
  • Bootstrap 4
  • Responsive Premium New UI – Complete Change in Application UI
  • Global Calendars
    • Gregorian
    • Persian
    • Islamic
    • Ethiopian
  • Complete change in the payments and invoices system
    • Online Paymemnt via Paypal, 2CheckOut & PayUmoney
    • Manual payments Supported
    • Partial Payments Supported
    • Support recurring payments : One-time, Annually, Bi-Annually, Tri-Annually, Quarterly & monthly
    • Track Due Invoices
    • Advanced Search
    • Revert Payments
    • User Invoices now under account settings
    • Fee Groups
    • Payments stats in the dashboard
  • Advanced Search in invoices, Students, Parents & Teachers
  • SMS characters while sending new SMS
  • Infobip SMS Gateway Support
  • Teachers can send mail & SMS
  • Sorting features for teachers, Students, Parents & invoices
  • Exam Schedule feature
  • Section Support in SMS
  • Ability rn create new SMS templates and use them in Mail & SMS
  • Communication selection : Mail, SMS & Phone
  • Enhancements in PDF & Excel generation
  • Enhancements in Excel Import
  • Official holidays added to the calendar
  • Timezone option for dates and times
  • Expenses categories
  • Upload reciept with expenses
  • Login, Registeration & Forget Password 2 styles : Centered & Right Sided
  • Google Analytics Support
  • Minor bug fixes

What’s New on Schoex 2.6

  • Improve the speed of application load by 70% by change all requests to the backend to Assync requests
  • Payments
    • Payments has new structure in Schoex 2.6
    • Ability to add fee to students when Registered, Promoted to specific class or Graduated
    • Ability to add fee to students in specific date
    • Ability to generate recuuring payments each x Day, x Month or x Year
  • Exams
    • Exams now support Classes.
      • You can define seperate exams to each class or group of classes
    • Each Exam can now have it’s corresponding marksheet columns
  • Marksheet
    • Smart Marksheet columns Supported
    • School header included in marksheet generation 
      • School Logo
      • School Name
  • Assignments
    • Parents can now track their students progress in the assignments
  • Online Exams
    • Allow attaching images to the questions
    • Teachers can be able to track student answers to the exams
  • Students
    • Graduation feature implementation
    • List Graduated students separately
    • Medical History Imeplementation
  • Expenses
    • Allow attaching images to the expenses
  • Mail/SMS
    • Ability to send Mail/SMS to Administrators
    • Ability to select parents of specific Class
    • Ability to allow Teachers to use Mail/SMS
      • Teachers will be allowed to send Mail/SMS to their student class or their parents only
    • Concepto API Changes
  • General Changes
    • Change payment “Buy Now” to “Pay Now”
    • Update Activated Modules in the Settings with the latese added modules
    • Fix permissions issue on the dashboard quick links & Statistics
    • Fix Mail/SMS Encoding issues
    • Fix Datepicker Edit date issue
    • Minor bug fixes & improvements

What’s New on Schoex 2.3

  • Subject can support multiple teachers
  • Improve in sections areas and their support in application
  • Improve in sections areas
  • Administrator can change date format
  • Teacher can see only his schedule
  • Enhancement in mail & SMS
  • Prepare for Android application release
  • What’s New on Schoex 2.2

    • [Feature] Add Class filter in Students list
    • [Feature] Check/Uncheck All in attendance list
    • [Enhance] Responsive and RTL Responsive fix
    • [Feature] Students can see only his schedule
    • [Feature] Parents Birthday
    • [Fix] Import/Export fix

    What’s New on Schoex 2.1

    • Accounting including fee types & fee allocation
    • Auto generate invoices
    • Expenses Section
    • Custom administrators permissions
    • Class Sections
    • Marksheet Improvements
    • Marksheet export PDF & bulk export
    • Import Feature redesign with feature of data review
    • Online exams question marks
    • Online exams degree of success
    • Students can access their marksheets
    • Export attendance data
    • Improve mobile phone number UX
    • Enable / Disable Public registeration
    • Remove dependancy of Apache delete request

    Server Requirements

    • PHP >= 5.6
    • MySQL Database
    • OpenSSL PHP Extension
    • PDO PHP Extension ( Enabled By Default )
    • Mbstring PHP Extension
    • Tokenizer PHP Extension ( Enabled By Default )
    • XML PHP Extension ( Enabled By Default )
    • php_zip extension ( Required when importing excel files )


    We provide support via :

    • CodeCanyon comments – Presales & General Inquiries
    • E-mail address :
    • Support :


    Android, iOS & Biometric Integration are cconsidered as plugins and sold separetely through our websute

    Change Log

    Version 7.0 – 24 Sep 2020

     -Zoom integration
-Create online meetings on the platform
-Enhanced language import while upgrade 
-Fix issue on messaging roles between users
-Minor fixes & enhancements

Version 6.0 – 5 Nov 2019

What’s new on OraSchool 6.0
 - ID cards module generation
 - “My Payroll” User can see his payroll summary
 - Support biometric for employees
 - Support Dept & design for teachers
 - Support for custom headers for HTTP SMS configurations
 - Support for controlling which user role can message another user role
 - Support for partial fee type dates
 - Support for inventory stock remaining items calculations
 - Bulk mark sheet generation
 - Bulk invoices generation
 - Support for automated invoice ID generation while creating manual invoice
 - Support attendance notifications for Present, Absent, late, late with excuse
 - Auto generate invoices for hostel & transportations when user assigned to one
 - Export function for online exams results
 - Dashboard widgets controlled from roles & permissions for Role-based dashbord
 - Collection invoice reports
 - Paystack payment gateway integration
 - Wider registration page with enhanced label for fields
 - Support for new invoice when student register
 - Enhanced margins control for Certificates
 - Enhance frontend pages slider picker
 - Enhance visitors, engird & postal view
 - Enhance data privacy for students, parents & teachers
 - Fix for submitting online exam when time ends
 - Fix for Autoscroll issue on Firefox

Version 5.1 – 4 May 2019

- Security Enhancements
- Bug fixes

Version 5.0 – 8 Sep 2018

-New Advanced Permissions System - Unlimited roles types
    -Super Administrators
    -Store Keeper 
-Front Office
    -Visitors Log
    -Track your School visitors
    -Track purpose of visits
    -Track Check-in & Check-Out
-Phone Calls
    -Track your incoming/outgoing phone calls
    -Track purpose, Type, duration and details of calls
    -Track your dispatch/received postal
-Contact Messages: See your website visitor messages directly from Web Portal
-Front Office Categories to easily manage sources, types & Purposes 
        -Track classified Enquiries from Parents, Students, Teachers,…
    -Track classified Complaints from Parents, Students, Teachers,…
More languages supported, You still can create your own language if your language isn’t in the list.
Manage Employees
    -Mange departments & designations
    -Enroll your school employees in the system
    -Classify each employee under dept. & design.
    -Easily control each employee roles & permissions
    -New smart & advanced school admission form
    -Control student categories
    -Control Medical History
    -Enhanced view of father & mother information
    -Enhanced view of Guardian account information
    -Control students documents
Student Attendance
    -Add notes when taking the attendance
    -Attendance report redesigned completely
    -One view to see multiple students attendance with period
    -Calculation of presence percentage for each student
Staff Attendance
    -Add notes when taking the attendance
    -Check-In & Check-Out attendance tracking
    -Attendance report redesigned completely
    -One view to see multiple students attendance with period
    -Calculation of presence percentage for each student
    -Completely redesigned vacation system
    -Approve/Decline Vacation requests
    -Users able to track their approved & declined vacation requests
Library Management
    -Completely redesigned library system
    -Mange users subscription to library system including employees and students
    -Issue/Return books to users
    -Track issued books to users, Dates and return dates
Inventory Management
    -Manage Stores
    -Manage Suppliers
    -Manage Inventory Categories
    -Manage items coding
    -Manage Items instock
    -Manage issued items
    -Manage returned items
Online Exams
    -Questions Bank
    -Randomize exam questions supported
    -Sharing questions, To allow question to be used by another teacher in another exam
    -Rich text editor for questions
    -Can attach images for each question
    -Unlimited number of questions supported
    -Unlimited number of options per each question supported
    -New UI for online exam taking
    -New modern frontend design
    -Frontend permalink enhancements
    -Frontend pages order list
    -Today’s Birthday widget
    -Dashboard Widgets rearrangements
-Enhanced view of exam schedule
-Calculating total income
-Calculating total expenses
-Clickatell SMS Gateway support new API system
-Salary Delete Payroll feature

 - Frontend CMS
     - Easy to create new template
     - Unlimited pages
     - Draft controll
     - Advannced image library
     - Embedded images slider
     - 8 Embedded Themes
 - Biometric devices integration
     - Integrate OraSchool with your biometric device
     - OraSchool will track activity on your device and apply attendance based on it
     - Track device status & last update time
 - Improvements in payments & invoices
     - Immediate / Scheduled innvoice genneration
     - Fee Discount Codes
 - Income Module
     - Mannage income costs
     - Manage income categories
 - HR Payroll Salary
      - Manage Monthly Salary, Overtime, Allowences & Deductions
      - Manage Hourly Salary
      - Make payment to user and track payments
 - Advanced media uploader for media module
 - Advanced Homework Module with answers management system
 - PUSH Notifications for mobile apps embedded with payload functionality
 - Innline tester for Mail / SMS
 - Control accounts status ( Active - Inactive )
 - Native HTTPS Support
 - Enhancement in Responsive views
 - Summernote WYSIWYG Editor and can toggle between Summernote & CKeditor
 - Database export system
 - New reports included
 - PHP 7.2 Support
 - Bug fixes & enhancements
- Accountant users login
- Due invoices Notifications
- Timestamp Offset for Islamic Calendars
- Enhancements in mobile devices
- iOS application is ready
- PUSH Notifications Support for android & iOS
- Media items and albums enhancements in thumbs generation
- MSG91 support XML-API
- Minor Bug fixes & improvements

Version 3.1 – 5 Oct 2017

- Support of class scedule for sections
- Ability to disable the Slimscrollbar
- Students sorting in attendance
- Fix attendance and dashboard attendance
- Remove dependency of .env file
- Remove dependency of FileInfo library in Media Center
- Improved experience for install/upgrade
- Ability to smooth work if mod_rewrite is disabled
- Minor Bug fixes & improvements

Version 3.0 – 8 Sep 2017

    - Laravel 5.2 - 
    - Bootstrap 4 - 
    - Responsive Premium New UI -  Complete Change in Application UI - 
    - Global Calendars
            - Gregorian- 
            - Persian- 
            - Islamic- 
            - Ethiopian- 
    - Complete change in the payments and invoices system
            - Online Paymemnt via Paypal, 2CheckOut & PayUmoney- 
            - Manual payments Supported- 
            - Partial Payments Supported- 
            - Support recurring payments : One- time, Annually, Bi- Annually, Tri- Annually, Quarterly & monthly- 
            - Track Due Invoices- 
            - Advanced Search- 
            - Revert Payments- 
            - User Invoices now under account settings- 
            - Fee Groups- 
            - Payments stats in the dashboard- 
    - Advanced Search in invoices, Students, Parents & Teachers- 
    - SMS characters while sending new SMS- 
    - Infobip SMS Gateway Support- 
    - Teachers can send mail & SMS- 
    - Sorting features for teachers, Students, Parents & invoices- 
    - Exam Schedule feature- 
    - Section Support in SMS- 
    - Ability rn create new SMS templates and use them in Mail & SMS- 
    - Communication selection : Mail, SMS & Phone- 
    - Enhancements in PDF & Excel generation- 
    - Enhancements in Excel Import- 
    - Official holidays added to the calendar- 
    - Timezone option for dates and times- 
    - Expenses categories- 
    - Upload reciept with expenses- 
    - Login, Registeration & Forget Password 2 styles : Centered & Right Sided- 
    - Google Analytics Support- 
    - Minor bug fixes- 
- Improve the speed of application load by 70% by change all requests to the backend to Assync requests
- Payments
-- Payments has new structure in Schoex 2.6
-- Ability to add fee to students when Registered, Promoted to specific class or Graduated
-- Ability to add fee to students in specific date
-- Ability to generate recuuring payments each x Day, x Month or x Year

- Exams
-- Exams now support Classes.
--- You can define seperate exams to each class or group of classes
-- Each Exam can now have it's corresponding marksheet columns

- Marksheet
-- Smart Marksheet columns Supported
-- School header included in marksheet generation
--- School Logo
--- School Name

- Assignments
-- Parents can now track their students progress in the assignments

- Online Exams
-- Allow attaching images to the questions
-- Teachers can be able to track student answers to the exams

- Students
-- Graduation feature implementation
-- List Graduated students separately
-- Medical History Imeplementation

- Expenses
-- Allow attaching images to the expenses

- Mail/SMS
-- Ability to send Mail/SMS to Administrators
-- Ability to select parents of specific Class
-- Ability to allow Teachers to use Mail/SMS
--- Teachers will be allowed to send Mail/SMS to their student class or their parents only
-- Concepto API Changes

- General Changes
-- Change payment "Buy Now" to "Pay Now" 
-- Update Activated Modules in the Settings with the latese added modules
-- Fix permissions issue on the dashboard quick links & Statistics
-- Fix Mail/SMS Encoding issues
-- Fix Datepicker Edit date issue
-- Minor bug fixes & improvements
- [Feature] Android application released
- [Fixes] Minor Bug fixes
- [Fixes] Stability improvements
- [Feature] Email is not manadtory for students [Pre-School Option]
- [Fixes] Bug fixes
- [Feature] Subject can support multiple teachers
- [Feature] Improve in sections areas and their support in application
- [Feature] Improve in sections areas
- [Feature] Administrator can change date format
- [Feature] Teacher can see only his schedule
- [Feature] Enhancement in mail & SMS
- [Feature] Prepare for Android application release
- [Feature] Add Class filter in Students list
- [Feature] Check/Uncheck All in attendance list
- [Enhance] Responsive and RTL Responsive fix
- [Feature] Students can see only his schedule
- [Feature] Parents Birthday
- [Fix] Import/Export fix
- [Feature] Accounting including fee types & fee allocation
- [Feature] Auto generate invoices
- [Feature] Expenses Section
- [Feature] Custom administrators permissions
- [Feature] Class Sections
- [Feature] Marksheet Improvements
- [Feature] Marksheet export PDF & bulk export
- [Feature] Import Feature redesign with feature of data review
- [Feature] Online exams question marks
- [Feature] Online exams degree of success
- [Feature] Students can access their marksheets
- [Feature] Export attendance data
- [Feature] Improve mobile phone number UX
- [Feature] Enable / Disable Public registeration
- [Feature] Remove dependancy of Apache delete request 
- [Fix] Minor bug fixes
- [Feature] New themes with ability for user to swich it
- [Feature] Academic Years Support
- [Feature] Enhanced promotion with ability to track students in past years
- [Feature] Teachers vacation
- [Feature] Students vacation
- [Feature] Staff Attendance
- [Feature] Study material
- [Feature] Reports Area
- [Feature] Media Center supports images, Youtube & Vimeo videos & support Modal for viewing Album contents
- [Feature] Online Exams supports 3 types of questions : Single Choice, Multiple Choice & text Value
- [Feature] Online Exams support now countdown counter for fixed time exam
- [Feature] Students can apply their assignments answers from the portal and teachers can track students apply
- [Feature] Multiple leaderboards
- [Feature] Students can see their attendance & parents can see their students attendance
- [Feature] Customized logo as 3 types : Site title, Custom text & Image
- [Feature] Marksheet generation enhancements and ability to count attendance grades or not
- [Feature] API ready with Token Authentication
- [Feature] Allow mail/sms to specific users
- [Feature] Allow configuration of custom SMS HTTP API
- [Feature] Enhanced search operation
- [Feature] Teachers can see only his resources
- [Feature] Teachers can approve associated students in his classes
- [Feature] Ability to change default currency
- [Feature] Search area for messages receiver
- [Feature] Latest Messages in the dashboard area
- [Feature] Fully integrated API
- [Feature] Enhanced class schedule area
- [Feature] User password when change E-mail address for better security
- [Feature] Users profile images preview
- [Fix] Library columns 
- [Fix] Marksheet generation zero error
- [Fix] Library columns 
- [Fix] Calendar start/end query
- [Fix] Media Center UI
- [Fix] Pagination data blank page
- [Fix] Classes / Subjects association
- [Fix] Poll default selection error
- [Fix] MAIL/SMS Settings is now under site settings
- [Fix] Remove dependancy of mod_rewrite
- [Feature] Student Promotion
- [Feature] New way to assign student to parent
- [Feature] Event / News viewer from dashboard main page
- [Feature] Spanish language
- [Feature] RTL Support and languages improvements
- [Fix] SMS/MAIL crash error
- [Fix] Import / Export problem

Version 1.3– 1 Apr 2015

- [Feature] Students can see their attendance
- [Feature] Improve attendance history
- [Fix] SMS/Mail Send issue

Version 1.2 – 21 Feb 2015

- [Fix] Big improvements in UI
- [Feature] Black theme, Theme switcher
- [Feature] Languages System
- [Feature] Payments System
- [Feature] Import/Export via CSV/Excel
- [Feature] Subject-Based attendance
- [Feature] Attendance selection status from : Present, Absent, Late, Late with excuse Or Early Dismissal.
- [Feature] Attendance Stats
- [Feature] Support diffrent 8 SMS APIs and 4 methods of mail delivery
- [Feature] Send Exam details to students and parents via Mail / SMS
- [Feature] Send Student’s absence notifications via mail / SMS
- [Feature] Mail/SMS Templates
- [Feature] Transportation managements
- [Feature] Polls System
- [Feature] Media Center
- [Feature] Multiple teachers for one class
- [Feature] Users Profiles
- [Feature] Enable / Disable modules
- [Feature] School terms
- [Feature] Update tool
- [Fix] Fix library book type & State
- [Fix] Fix Mail/SMS message Date
- [Fix] Fix Messages message time 
- [Fix] Fix messages sending button
- [Fix] Forget Password CSS issue
- [Fix] Delete student from parent
- [Fix] Fix minor Bugs

Version 1.0.2 – 29 Dec 2014

- Fix Admin Edit/Add
- Fix Bugs

Version 1.0.1 – 24 Dec 2014

- Fix CSRF when edit users

Version 1.0.0 – 21 Dec 2014

- First version release

Version 1.4– 7 Jun 2015

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How to download Ora School Suite – Ultimate school management system Free ($45) and Nulled

Transform Your Website­ with the Elegance of Ora School Suite – Ultimate school management system . Imagine a design that exude­s sophistication, effortlessly guiding visitors on their journe­y. That’s the power of [Original Title]. We­’ve meticulously crafted a use­r experience­ that’s both delightful and functional. No more struggling – with [Original Title], you can e­levate your online pre­sence without breaking a swe­at. It’s like having a design fairy godmother sprinkle­ her magic on your website. Ge­t ready to captivate your audience­ and leave a lasting impression that goe­s beyond just appearances.

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