Donwload Free Zairito – Laravel eCommerce System | Single vendor Nulled

Zairito – Laravel eCommerce System | Single vendor | eCommerce CMS

Zairito is a single vendor laravel ecommerce application with selling multiple types products, various payment gateway integration. It provides guest checkout and order tracking. It provides very nice user experience to use this application. A nice and super easy customizable admin panel is attached. It’s a nice place to buy-sell physical, digital, affiliates and licenced products.


  • Check Demo:
  • Admin Login Page:
  • Customer Login Page:


Admin Credential

  • Email:
  • Password: 123456

Customer Credential

  • Email:
  • Password: 123456


Front Pages

  • Front Pages
  • About Us
  • Blogs
  • Single Blog
  • All Products
  • Single Product
  • Wishlist
  • Compare
  • Cart
  • Order Track
  • FAQ
  • Terms & Conditions
  • Privacy Policy
  • Shipping Returns
  • Refund Policy
  • Contact Us

Customer Pages

  • User Profile
  • My Order
  • My Review

Admin Pages:

  • Dashboard
  • Admin List
  • Add Admin
  • Role List
  • Category
  • Brand
  • Product List
  • Add Product
  • Product Color
  • Product Size
  • All Orders
  • Pending Orders
  • Processing Orders
  • Shipped Orders
  • Delivered Orders
  • Returned Orders
  • Transactions
  • Tax Settings
  • Delivery Charge
  • Currency
  • Coupon Code
  • Slider
  • Advertise
  • Blog
  • Product Tag
  • Item Tag
  • Contact Us
  • Subscribers
  • Customers
  • General Settings
  • Home Settings
  • About Settings
  • Social Link
  • Image Gallery
  • Testimonial
  • Language
  • Home SEO
  • About Us SEO
  • Contact Us SEO
  • Blog SEO
  • Products SEO
  • Cart SEO
  • Checkout SEO
  • Wishlist SEO
  • Compare SEO
  • Sign In SEO
  • Sign Up SEO
  • Forget Password SEO
  • Reset Password SEO
  • Manage Pages
  • Static Menu
  • Dynamic Menu
  • Submenus
  • Sitemaps
  • Payment Gateway
  • FAQ
  • Privacy Policy
  • Refund Policy
  • Shipping Return
  • Terms & Conditions
  • Company Story

Test Accounts For Payment


  • Email: buyertanvir
  • Password: 12345678


  • Card Name: Anything You Want
  • Card Number: 4242424242424242
  • Expiry Month: 12
  • Expiry Year: 2024
  • CVV: 123


  • Card Name: Anything You Want
  • Card Number: 4111111111111111
  • Expiry Month: 12
  • Expiry Year: 2024
  • CVV: 123

Key Features

  • Easy installation process
  • Fully responsive and dynamic dashboard
  • Easy to Signup & Signin
  • Social Login
  • Forgot password
  • Selling multiple types of products
  • Guest checkout
  • Payment process by Paypal, Stripe, Razorpay, Bank Transfer, Cash on Delivery etc.
  • Dynamic wishlist & cart
  • Product comparison
  • Order tracking
  • Awesome product filter
  • Good looking & user friendly front-end
  • Easy to manage site contents
  • Managing Users
  • Managing subscriptions
  • Managing social media, contact etc.


  • Laravel >=8.0
  • PHP >= 7.4.0
  • MySQL 5.7+
  • Intl PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • BCMAth PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • cURL PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP Extension
  • GD PHP Extension
  • ZIP PHP Extension

PHP INI Requirement:

  • allow_url_fopen


Product edit slug issue fix.
Product discount price issue fix.
Shipping charge mention free add.
Product search issue fix.
Card payment issue fix.
Payment gateway add(Mollie, Paystack, Instamojo).
Minor issues fix.


Product issue fix.
Order issue fix.
About Page issue fix.
Wishlist update.
Compare list update.
Minor issues fix.


Text Editor Issues Fixed.


Paypal Issues Fixed.


Theme 2 (two) add
Blog Comment issue fix
Currency issue fix
Authenticate issue fix


Set default language option to added.
Set default Currency option added.
Currency Place change option added.
Language Delete option added. 


Preload image upload issue fix
Newsletter email validation issue fix
User login issue fix
Buynow issue fix
Popup Image issue fix


Payment geteway integration (Sslcommerz),
Logo Update issue fix,
Footer Category issue fix,
Subscribe Issue fix,
Search issue fix,
Contact info issue fix,
Home page about us banner issue fix,


After uploading the zairito to your server, you may need to configure some permissions. Firstly set all your directories permission to 755 and files to 644. Directories within the storage, vendor, routes, resources and the bootstrap/cache directories should be writable by your web server. Set permission to 777 for storage, vendor, routes, resources and the bootstrap/cache directories and 777/666 for .env. So set these directories set the write permissions to the web server.

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Download Free Zairito – Laravel eCommerce System | Single vendor Nulled

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How to download Zairito – Laravel eCommerce System | Single vendor Free ($49) and Nulled

Single vendor . Imagine a design that exude­s sophistication, effortlessly guiding visitors on their journe­y. That’s the power of [Original Title]. We­’ve meticulously crafted a use­r experience­ that’s both delightful and functional. No more struggling – with [Original Title], you can e­levate your online pre­sence without breaking a swe­at. It’s like having a design fairy godmother sprinkle­ her magic on your website. Ge­t ready to captivate your audience­ and leave a lasting impression that goe­s beyond just appearances.

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