Youtube Easy Play List – Bootstrap based PHP Script Donwload Free(Nulled)

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Download Free Youtube Easy Play List – Bootstrap based PHP Script Nulled

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How to download Youtube Easy Play List – Bootstrap based PHP Script Free ($11) and Nulled

Begin an e­xcellent trip with Youtube Easy Play List – Bootstrap based PHP Script. Eve­ry part is carefully made to be fancy and use­ful. It has an amazing user experie­nce. Easily boost your online prese­nce as you enter this fine­ly tuned, great design. Discove­r the top of web design innovation. Each part smoothly joins to boost use­r engagement and satisfaction. Le­t Youtube Easy Play List – Bootstrap based PHP Script be your doorway to digital success. Cre­ativity joins with beauty to redefine­ your online identity.

Youtube Easy Play List is a PHP Based script to Handle Youtube Play Lists using Youtube API V3. Using Youtube’s Play List ID we can add that play list to our page using this script. The Client Side coding is purely based on Bootstrap and Every Easy to Edit since script uses very simple way to get data from Youtube Play List and implement them into the page. Script is very simple, Everything is done using just 1 single page with other 3 include files, one of them is the configuration file. This script also uses a Ajax command to view comments and get back to info when comments are views. Mobile Friendly Responsive layout will help you to easyly implement this within your existing project.

What buyers are saying…


Cool and very simple to configure! Thanks  :)

What you need is a API Key from Google API Console and Your channel ID to setup this script’s Configuration File.This script single configuration file for API and Other Settings.


  1. Bootstrap based Responsive Design
  2. View Any Playlist from Youtube inside your web
  3. View Youtube videos inside your web
  4. View Comments for playing Video
  5. View Statistics of playing video
  6. View the Name of Commented User
  7. View Next and Previous Pages within the Play List
  8. View Next and Previous Videos within the Page
  9. Limit Videos Per Page using Configuration File
  10. Manage Youtube API Key from single configuration file.

Change Log

  1. 2017-04-12 : Update  :grin: Initial Release
  2. 2017-04-17 : Update  :shocked: Auto Play Next Video

Tags : api,list,play,playlist,tube,v3,you,youtube

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