Donwload Free WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Reward System Plugin Nulled

WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Reward System

WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Reward System allows the sellers to add reward points to their products using which customers can purchase the seller’s product.

Here sellers can add reward points to each product. Customers receive reward points after the product purchase.

WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Reward System is an add-on to WordPress WooCommerce Multi-Vendor Marketplace Plugin.

To use this plugin you must install WordPress WooCommerce Multi-Vendor Marketplace Plugin.

Note –

  • This module is compatible with WooCommerce’s new High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) Feature
  • This plugin is now compatible with WooCommerce’s latest feature Cart and Checkout Blocks.
  • Video Preview

    WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Reward System Plugin - 1

    \\ WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Reward System Plugin - 2


    Dear Customers, if you have a question/query, please raise a ticket at We will do our best to answer as quick as it is possible. Don’t give us a low rate without contacting support on the issue you’ve faced with. We are always happy to help you.

    Features Of WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Reward System


    • The admin can set the limit of reward point usage.
    • The admin can define the weightage of the reward points.
    • The admin can assign reward points manually to the buyer.
    • Reward points of each seller are managed separately.
    • The seller can enter reward points for each product.
    • Reward points are split on the basis of the ratio in which the amount is split amongst the admin and seller.
    • The buyer can see the details of earned reward points.
    • The buyer can enter the reward point at the time of checkout after which the amount relevant to the reward points will be deducted from product price.
    • Reward point for new user registration, product purchase, and product review.

    A full functional demonstration of the product can be experienced even before a purchase.

    WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Reward System Plugin - 3

    Success Story

    WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Reward System Plugin - 4


    "Initial release v 1.0.0" "Current release v  1.4.0"
    Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce Block-based cart and checkout functionality.
    Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce High Performance Order Storage - HPOS Compatibility.
    Updated: The code is according to WordPress and WooCommerce coding standards.
    v 1.3.1
    Update: Improved - Code optimization and escaping, sanitization, validations etc.
    Update: Added - Pagination in Customer Rewards Points Details and Rewards Points Transaction Details table.
    Update: Added - Reward Transaction display Admin dashboard on seller end.
    v 1.3.0
    Updated the flow of the reward usage per seller.
    Added pagination in customer report query.
    Added compatibility with split order plugin.
    Fixed security issues.
    v 1.2.1
    Updated the flow of the reward usage regarding the seller.
    Added email template.
    Added translation.
    v 1.2.0
    Added feature for admin to add rewards on the different products.
    Fixed bonus reward points awarded at both cart and product rules.
    Fixed issues.
    v 1.1
    Separate Menu for a Reward system in the admin panel.
    Admin can view the total transaction points of all the users.
    Transaction table for admin.
    The seller can view the Transaction of reward points on his product.
    v 1.0.0 
    Initial release

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    How to download WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Reward System Plugin Free ($62) and Nulled

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    Tags : customer rewards,promotion,reward points,rewards,seller rewards

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