Donwload Free WordPress PDO Crud – Crud & Form Builder Plugin for wordpress Nulled

  • Shortcode Demo with twentysixteen theme
  • Documentation
  • Details about PDOcrud
  • Demo for PDOCrud features
  • Convert your wordpress website in powerful web application easily

    Wordpress PDO Crud is powerful wordpress plugin to build forms and perform CRUD operation on frontend and backend both. It is built using PDOCrud php script which is an advance PHP based CRUD application. PDOCrud application helps to perform complete crud operations by just writing 2-3 lines of code only. You can build forms directly from database tables in few seconds just by writing 2-3 lines of code. All insert/update/delete/view code is managed by the script.


    Wordpress PDO Crud provides various shortcodes that can be used to perform the PDOCrud operations directly from backend so that a non technical person can also use the application.

    You can use both shortcodes and core php code to perform CRUD operations. You can use plugins that allow PHP execution in backend for running demo codes directly, this is more preferred way to execute various operations. You can perform crud operation in frontend as well as backend.

    You can perform crud operation on WordPress any table or if you want to use the some other database, you just need to change the config database settings only.

    PDOCrud Script Details

    Almost in each web application, we need to write many-many lines of codes to perform insert, update, delete and read database
    tables operations. PDOCrud script does this work by just writing 2 lines of code. This will do add, edit, update and delete basic operation along with several other operation, like pagination, records per page, search etc. Apart from these, you can customize the table and form data in
    many ways as per requirement by writing simple line of codes. Many javascript plugins are also added that help to perform many other tasks also. Script has many features to ease the development process. You can build simple web application and backend cms using the script easily.


  • Column switch option
  • Add new action buttons
  • Perform raw database related operations
  • Add filter(where) condition easily
  • Print and export in csv, excel, pdf
  • Search for all fields and particular field
  • Multiple delete option
  • Fast loading using ajax
  • Best practices and easy to customized
  • Login (Select) form validations
  • Kind attention

  1. Very easy syntax and just 2 lines of code for default crud operations
  2. Generate forms directly from database
  3. Multiple Skin support
  4. Supports left join operation
  5. Auto generation of insert/update forms directly from database tables
  6. Change label name, hide label
  7. Remove fields, Show particular fields, Change field type, change display order of fields easily
  8. Many commonly used plugins integrated
  9. Popup form
  10. Multistep form
  11. Export form data in pdf, xml, csv and excel
  12. Callback functions for PHP and Javascript
  13. Ajax based submission
  14. Addition of static fields like terms & condition, confirm password
  15. PHP and JS Validations
  16. Various settings and customization
  17. Field encryption for frontend
  18. Field addon, field description and tooltips
  19. Different type of template support, by default works with bootstrap
  20. Enqueue js and css
  21. Add new plugins easily
  22. Many different types of fields available
  23. Multilanguage support
  24. Data binding of field from another table/ array
  25. Load dependent data on change of some field like on change of country, load states
  26. Normal, horizontal and inline form type available
  27. Add css class and various data attributes
  28. Support for rtl by adding external css
  29. Recaptcha and PHP based Captcha support
  30. Google map support
  31. Please note that PDOCrud application uses bootstrap so make sure your theme css doesn’t conflict with bootstrap before using this plugin. In case your theme css conflict, Also, it doesn’t use default wordpress functions like wp_insert_posts, wp_create_user, everything is done using PDO

    Version 2.3 (Updated with latest PDOCrud version )

    Version 2.1 (Make sure to take complete backup before update and after update clear your cache as there are changes in css/js files)

    1. Added option to enter the purchase code. it will be required to enter purchase from this version. You can
      find the purchase code details here
    2. Updated with latest PDOCrud Version 3.7 – check out latest features of PDOCrud here

    Version 1.8

    1. Updated with latest PDOCrud

    Version 1.6

    1. Updated with latest PDOCrud

    Version 1.5

    1. Updated with latest PDOCrud

    Version 1.3

    1. Updated with latest PDOCrud

    Version 1.2

    1. Setting options for all config field from wordpress admin

    Version 1.1

    1. Initial release

    Min requirement for the script
    PHP Version 5.3 and above
    Wordpress Version 3.6 and above
    Must have write access for download folder



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Download Free WordPress PDO Crud – Crud & Form Builder Plugin for wordpress Nulled

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How to download WordPress PDO Crud – Crud & Form Builder Plugin for wordpress Free ($29) and Nulled

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