Vidi – Video WordPress Plugin Donwload Free(Nulled)

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Download Free Vidi – Video WordPress Plugin Nulled

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How to download Vidi – Video WordPress Plugin Free ($19) and Nulled

Transform Your Website­ with the Elegance of Vidi – Video WordPress Plugin . Imagine a design that exude­s sophistication, effortlessly guiding visitors on their journe­y. That’s the power of [Original Title]. We­’ve meticulously crafted a use­r experience­ that’s both delightful and functional. No more struggling – with [Original Title], you can e­levate your online pre­sence without breaking a swe­at. It’s like having a design fairy godmother sprinkle­ her magic on your website. Ge­t ready to captivate your audience­ and leave a lasting impression that goe­s beyond just appearances.

Vidi – Video WordPress plugin has been released which fully support for you to display your Video with Channel, Playlist, Series, Actor, Director,… and more of your work with many layout, options and beautiful CSS effect.

It is a fantastic plugin to show your videos with 7+ custom post types with many special functions like Watch Later, Frontend Submit,… to help you manage your works, your customer more easier.

This plugin have many shortcodes with Shortcode Generate feature will help you easy display your work as you want.

If you want to suggest other features or options please post it on our Support site or send us an email to Thanks so much!

Current Version is 1.3.1 (Please see Change Log at the bottom of this page)

Free version available here (Click on link to view it)












Features List

  • Automatic import videos from Youtube and Vimeo
  • Many custom post type (7+) to create a Video WordPress site include: Video, Playlist, Series, Channel, Actor, Director, …
  • Support Video source from: Youtube, Vimeo, Self host or Google Drive,… and will update more in future
  • Support Watch Later Videos Playlist
  • Responsive layout for Archive and Single page (No Sidebar, 1 Sidebar or 2 Sidebar) with 3 Paging style: Navigation, Load More and Infinite Scroll
  • Easy customize template display use child theme
  • Easy generate shortcode and works with any theme
  • Works with any Page Builder
  • Support Rating (Like/Dislike) use user IP Address and Fake data Rating (Like/Dislike)
  • Support custom post type view count use Post View Counter plugin and Fake data View
  • Social Sharing network: Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Pinterest, VK
  • Video submit Frontend and will update more in future
  • Video manage after Submitted
  • Compatible with BuddyPress
  • Many Single Video functions: Turn Off Light, Auto Next,…
  • Support 6+ widgets types: Videos List, Top Videos, Playlist, Series, Channel, Search Video, …
  • Support 15+ shortcodes: Video Featured, Video Slideshow, Channel Slideshow, …
  • Easy to install
  • Easy to use and configure
  • Full responsive
  • And much more…

Note: Please note now our plugin doesn’t support play video in Popup. However we’ll research and update it asap in future. If you have any issues when use our plugin please contact us via email or go to our support system at official site. Thanks so much!


Version 1.3.1 – August 17, 2023

        - [Fix] - Custom Posttype submit missing meta data

Version 1.2.9 – May 29, 2023

        - [Fix] - Time display type: Publish date or time diff
        - [Update] - Single Video, Actor, Director, Playlist, Series pages

Version 1.2.5 – March 15, 2023

        - [Update] - BuddyPress activities: create video, comment video, create channel, comment channel, create playlist, comment playlist, create series, comment series
        - [Update] - Time display type: Publish date or time diff
        - [Update] - Submit pages
        - [Update] - Paid Membership Pro compatible

Version 1.1.8 – December 29, 2021

        - [Update] – Compatible with PHP 8.x
        - [Update] – Attached Post display for Content Creator owner. Currently Administrator, Editor, Author roles can see all.
        - [Fix] – Unmute button on Mobile when Autoplay (Android)

Version 1.1.7 – September 22, 2021

        - [Fix] Image Upload path
        - [Fix] Membership Single Video
        - [Fix] Embedded code Video Source

Version 1.1.6 – June 6, 2021

        - [Fix] Compatible with latest version of Youzify

Version 1.1.5 – April 25, 2021

        - [Fix] Video Turn Off Light over Player
        - [Fix] Logout User Menu shortcode URL

Version 1.1.4 – March 26, 2021

        - [Fix] Breadcrumb Schema data-vocabulary issue

Version 1.1.3 – March 1, 2021

        - [Fix] Ads Google IMA without Autoplay
        - [Fix] Video categories widget on single video
        - [Add] Allow rating (Like/Dislike) for None Register User

Version 1.1.2 – February 10, 2021

        - [Fix] Actor Category & Director Category template
        - [Fix] Some issues with Member Integrate plugins
        - [Add] Advertising for Videos

Version 1.1.1 – January 15, 2020

        - [Add] Video Player Toolbar show/hide buttons in Vidi Settings -> Player
        - [Add] Download Button for Player Toolbar with Video Source from Self host and Google
        - [Add] Disable Floating Player
        - [Add] Delete Videos (Playlist, Series, Channel, Actor, Director) from Frontend in My Videos (Playlist, Series, Channel, Actor, Director) shortcode.
        - [Fix] PaidMembership Pro Subscription expired or user don't registered
        - [Fix] Submit Video, Playlist, Series, Channel when PaidMembership Pro is not active
        - [Fix] Display when Post View Counter plugin is not installed
        - [Fix] Remove Auto Next button with Video Server (Video Source) Embed.
        - [Update] Move Share button to next Screenshots button

Version 1.1.0 – December 21, 2020

        - [Fix] Embed code doesn't save
        - [Add] Category in Menu of Posttypes
        - [Fix] Actor category slug translate
        - [Add] Submit auto approved
        - [Fix] Submit Embed code doesn't allow

Version 1.0.9 – November 1, 2020

        - [Add] Single Video Autoplay function in Vidi Settings -> Player -> Autoplay

Version 1.0.8 – September 4, 2020

        - [Update] Default Custom Post type thumbnail when user is not set.
        - [Update] Single Video Style 2 Playlist title link to detail
        - [Add] Setting to disable user Submit function in Vidi Settings -> Submit
        - [Add] Setting to disable user Upload Video to your server with Video Source SelfHost
        - [Add] Video server from: Facebook, Twitch, Dailymotion and Embed
        - [Add] Automatic import from Youtube and Vimeo. Please read (section 9. Automatic Import Videos)

Version 1.0.7 – August 5, 2020

        - [Fix] BuddyPress Add Friend on Single Video page
        - [Fix] Isotope on Video List shortcode
        - [Remove] Advertising and research to new functions

Version 1.0.6 – July 25, 2020

        - [Fix] Shortcode render position in Page Builder
        - [Fix] Issue when active plugin
        - [Fix] Navigation error in Single Series, Single Channel
        - [Update] Extra class style-sidebar when use shortcode in Small area
        - [Update] Compatible with BuddyPress 6.1.0
        - [Add] VK social sharing

Version 1.0.5 – July 3, 2020

        - [Fix] Single Video bug when use PaidMembershipsPro
        - [Fix] Submit Channel, Playlist, Series Form validate
        - [Add] Archive Columns setting for Archive Video, Playlist, Series, Channel, Actor, Director
        - [Add] Custom Post Type slug base settings in Settings -> Permalink
        - [Update] Haru Video Top widget

Version 1.0.4 – June 29, 2020

        - [Fix] Translate issue
        - [Add] Integrate with Membership Plugin: PaidMembershipsPro (Please see on Vidi Settings -> Member -> Membership Integrate)
        - [Add] Compatible with Youzer - Buddypress Community & WordPress User Profile Plugin
        - [Add] User submit settings
        - [Add] Video Source Selfhost Upload Video file
        - [Add] Shortcode Haru Video Search: [haru_video_search] to help user easy search video on any page

Version 1.0.3 – May 29, 2020

        - [Fix] Translate issue
        - [Add] Setting Special Pages
        - [Add] Setting Member to set Login, Register, Logout page Redirect
        - [Add] Auto create pages when active plugin: My Channels, My Playlists, My Seriess
        - [Add] Shortcode Haru My Channels: [haru_my_channels] to manage Submitted Channels
        - [Add] Shortcode Haru My Playlists: [haru_my_playlists] to manage Submitted Playlists
        - [Add] Shortcode Haru My Seriess: [haru_my_seriess] to manage Submitted Seriess
        - [Add] Shortcode Haru User Menu: [haru_user_menu] to help user easy can manage their Profile and content

Version 1.0.2 – May 21, 2020

        - [Fix] Like, Dislike Function
        - [Fix] Video Prev, Next in Playlist
        - [Add] Setting Appearance to change Color, Design
        - [Add] Auto create pages when active plugin: My Videos
        - [Add] Shortcode Haru My Videos: [haru_my_videos] to manage Submitted Videos
        - [Changes] New Clean Design

Version 1.0.1 – March 4, 2020

        - [Fix] Conflict with CMB2 plugin and other plugin use CMB2 plugin as library
        - [Fix] Channel Subscribe
        - [Fix] Video Google Drive Source
        - [Add] Setting Video Thumbnail Size
        - [Add] Setting Video Thumbnail Type
        - [Add] Setting Single Video Thumbnail Size
        - [Add] Auto create pages when active plugin: Watch Later, Video Submit

Version 1.0.0 – February 18, 2020

        - First Release

Tags : filmmaker,video,video ads,video advertising,video channel,video gallery,video playlist,video series,video wordpress,video wordpress plugin,video wp,video wp plugin

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