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Imgbob is a script that makes you create an Image Hosting website where can any user or any visitor can upload multiple images by selecting them or just dragging them anywhere on the home page, the upload progress is visible and intuitive, and uploaded images can be previewed and every image uploaded will have a specific URL that can share anywhere. the interface is completely responsive and easy to use.

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Frontend Features

Great user interfaces responsive and compatible with all devices with new features.

  • Responsive design : Responsive design and compatible with all devices.
  • RTL Supported : Change website direction from LTR to RTL.
  • New Homepage : Homepage design is now more professional and responsive.
  • Optimize ad placements: Improved ads on all pages (blog, image page, home, etc…)
  • Multilanguage : Translate your website into more than 100+ different languages.
  • Upload Images : Uploading images from home page or from user dashboard.
  • Password Protection : Protecting images with password.
  • Expiration date : Easily set image expiration time through upload box.
  • Chunk upload: Upload large images easily even with medium server bandwidth with chunk upload.
  • Blog : New blog layout with comments and ads added.
  • Contact & FAQ pages: In addition to the presence of the contact form and FAQ on the main page, there is a special page for each of them.
  • Authentication pages : Professional Authentication pages.
  • Email verification: Confirm the email for each new user and can be activated or disabled from the control panel.
  • User Account
    • New dashboard design : New and smoother design.
    • Uploading images : Easily upload images without going back to the home page.
    • Managing images : Managing images easily with the new filemanager.
    • Images sharing : Share images by generating links.
    • Renaming and deleting : Rename or deleting images.
    • Image Protection Control : Make the image private or public with password set.
    • Settings
      • Account Details : Editing personal details including name, email and address.
      • Change Password : Changing the account password.
      • Two-Factor authentication : Account protection by enabling two-factor authentication.
  • Preview page
    • New design : Redesign of the image preview page with improved placement of ads.
    • Hot links protection : Protect hot links by disabling access to them.
    • Image Shares : Improved image sharing method and added Sharing buttons
    • Report images : Report images from the preview page.

Backend Features

As admin you will be able to control your website easily with our new admin panel and features.

  • Dashboard : View your site statistics, users, uploads, etc…
  • Users : Manage your site users, control their accounts, and view all their activities.
  • Uploads : Manage the uploads of images on your site, whether the uploads of users or guests.
  • Reported Images : Protect your site by reviewing the reported images by users or visitors.
  • Advertisements : Start earning money by adding advertisements to your site.
  • Navigation : Easily manage and control your site navigations.
  • Blog : Increase your site’s ranks in search engines by adding articles to your site’s blog.
  • Settings
    • General : Manage your website general settings.
    • Upload : Control the upload settings in your website.
    • Storage : Manage and set your website storage.
    • SMTP : Edit and update your smtp information.
    • Pages : Create and update your website pages.
    • Admins : Add and update your webiste admins.
    • Extensions : Enable or disbale your website extensions.
    • Languages : Add and update your website languages or translate.
    • Mail Templates : Manage your website mail templates.
    • SEO Configurations : Create and mange your seo configurations.
  • Manage sections
    • Home Features : Add or edit site features on the home page.
    • Home FAQ : Add or edit site FAQ.
  • Extra Features
    • PopUp Notice : Post an announcement or alert on all pages of your site using the popup notice.
    • Custom CSS : Change the look of your site by adding CSS codes.
  • Addons Manager : Control the add-ons installed on your site.
  • Clear Cache : Delete your site cache when making any modifications.


  • Server Requirements
    • PHP 8.1x
    • Operating System : Linux or Windows
    • Shared, VPS or Dedicated Server
    • MySql: 5.7+
  • Required Upgrades
    • Enabling of allow_url_fopen
    • Increasing of max_execution_time
    • Increasing of max_input_time
    • Increasing of post_max_size
    • Increasing of memory_limit
    • Increasing of upload_max_filesize
  • PHP Extensions
    • BCMath
    • Ctype
    • Fileinfo
    • JSON
    • Mbstring
    • OpenSSL
    • PDO
    • pdo_mysql
    • Tokenizer
    • XML
    • cURL
    • GD

What’s Included

  • Script Files : All script files open source.
  • Documentation : How to install on cpanel, with full use instructions.

Note! We are not required to provide the installation instructions for each server there is 1000+ server provider over the internet


  • Frontend
    • Link :
  • Admin access details
    • Link :
    • Email :
    • Password : Admin1234

    News And Updates

    Imgbob - Upload And Share Images Platform - 9


    Version 1.6

    [FIX] Installing Addons problem
    [FIX] Translates and mail templates saving problem
    [FIX] Large-size images uploading problem
    [FIX] Home page head code problem
    [UPDATE] Facebook OAuth code

    Version 1.5

    [NEW] A completely new and improved version
    [NEW] RTL Supported

    Version 1.4

    [NEW] Google captcha
    [UPDATE] Admin panel
    [UPDATE] Code upgraded

    Version 1.3

    [NEW] Adding wasabi storage
    [UPDATE] Code upgraded

    Version 1.2

    [FIX] Upload error
    [FIX] Admin login error
    [FIX] Amamzon S3 upload

    Version 1.1

    [NEW] Amazon S3 supported
    [NEW] Advertisements
    [NEW] SEO Configurations

    Version 1.0

    - Initial Release

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    Download Free Imgbob – Upload And Share Images Platform Nulled

    Take the Guesswork Out of WordPress & Blogger Design!
    Stop scouring the internet for the perfect theme or script. Our one-of-a-kind platform lets you preview a massive collection of downloadable resources before you buy. Explore themes, plugins, and scripts directly on our site – no purchase required! We link to freely available resources from third-party developers, giving you a chance to test-drive features and ensure the item fulfills your needs. Once you find a perfect match, support the creators by purchasing directly from the original developers for ongoing support and updates. Build a website you’ll love with the power of preview and informed decision-making!

    How to download Imgbob – Upload And Share Images Platform Free ($49) and Nulled

    The Imgbob – Upload And Share Images Platform provides an amazing experie­nce. This design is carefully made­ with elegance, use­ful features, and smooth operation. It give­s your online site a higher le­vel effortlessly.

    Tags : drag & drop,Drag and Drop Upload,file upload,image,image hosting,image upload,image URL,imager,imgur,laravel uploads,multiple uploads,php script,responsive,share images

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