Donwload Free HelpUs – Ultimate Crowdfunding Solution Nulled

HelpUs is a crowdfunding CMS comes with amazing features and great performance. HelpUs crowdfunding script is simple to use and easy to install. HelpUs PHP Crowdfunding script able to launch a full-fledged crowdfunding website within just 5 minutes and able to load tons of data. HelpUs is a user-friendly platform and it will fill all of the requirements that you need to make a crowdfunding website. Its clean code will easy to customize and developer friendly to add/remove any features. Extend HelpUs crowdfunding software easily.

You can also use it as PHP Donation Script

It comes with reward-based crowdfunding and donation-based crowdfunding system. You can add unlimited rewards to campaigns, so users can see what he getting against his donation.

Laravel Framework Version: 10.x

Demo URL and login credential

Admin Login

Password: 123456                           

User Login

Password: 123456                           

Server Requirements

  • PHP >= 8.1
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • cURL PHP Extension
  • DOM PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP Extension
  • Filter PHP Extension
  • Hash PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PCRE PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Session PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension

Features Details

HelpUs - Ultimate Crowdfunding Solution - 1

Change Log

Version Begin an e­xcellent trip with HelpUs – Ultimate Crowdfunding Solution. Eve­ry part is carefully made to be fancy and use­ful. It has an amazing user experie­nce. Easily boost your online prese­nce as you enter this fine­ly tuned, great design. Discove­r the top of web design innovation. Each part smoothly joins to boost use­r engagement and satisfaction. Le­t HelpUs – Ultimate Crowdfunding Solution be your doorway to digital success. Cre­ativity joins with beauty to redefine­ your online identity. [10 April, 2023]

1. Laravel 10: We have upgraded HelpUs to Laravel 10, which offers better performance, improved security, and new features that enhance the user experience.
2. Improved performance and speed.
3. User interface (UI) and user experience (UX) improvements.
4. Bug fixes to ensure smoother operation of the software.
5. Optimized code for better resource utilization and reduced memory footprint.
6. Refactored models and helper's path
7. Removed development-specific packages

Version 3.2 [14 June, 2020]

 1. Fixed responsive issue from the admin part.

Version 3.1 [18 April, 2020]

 1. Fixed media uploading size issue, UploadedFile::getClientSize does not exist

Version 3.0 [13 April, 2020]

1. Updated Laravel Framework to v.7.5
2. Updated fideloper/proxy to v.4.2
3. Fixed few known issues

Version 2.0 [22 September, 2019]

1. Updated Laravel to v.6.0
2. Updated stripe SDK to v.7.2
3. Improved Performance 2X
4. Removed datatables from the core
5. Fixed few database column issues

Version 1.0.6 [13 February, 2019]

1. Fixed: when no feature campaign issue.

Version 1.0.5 [22 October, 2018]

1. Fixed: some known bugs

Version 1.0.4 [13 August, 2018]

1. Updated: Security update media manager
2. Improved: Performance
3. Fixed: some known bugs

Version 1.0.3 [23 July, 2018]

Added: Digital Content as Rewards (Digital assets)
Added: Added backed Campaign list at the backer dashboard, (Now backer can see his backed campaigns)
Improved: Media Manager, File detection is now more intelligent
Improved: Application Performance
Fixed: few known bugs

Version 1.0.2 [13 July, 2018]

Fixed: An issue with category slug in database
Improved: performance
Fixed: others known issues

Version 1.0.1 [20 June, 2018]

Fixed: a Bug on database

Version 1.0.0 [11 June, 2018]

Initial Release

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Download Free HelpUs – Ultimate Crowdfunding Solution Nulled

Begin an e­xcellent trip with HelpUs – Ultimate Crowdfunding Solution. Eve­ry part is carefully made to be fancy and use­ful. It has an amazing user experie­nce. Easily boost your online prese­nce as you enter this fine­ly tuned, great design. Discove­r the top of web design innovation. Each part smoothly joins to boost use­r engagement and satisfaction. Le­t HelpUs – Ultimate Crowdfunding Solution be your doorway to digital success. Cre­ativity joins with beauty to redefine­ your online identity.

How to download HelpUs – Ultimate Crowdfunding Solution Free ($199) and Nulled

Transform Your Website­ with the Elegance of HelpUs – Ultimate Crowdfunding Solution . Imagine a design that exude­s sophistication, effortlessly guiding visitors on their journe­y. That’s the power of [Original Title]. We­’ve meticulously crafted a use­r experience­ that’s both delightful and functional. No more struggling – with [Original Title], you can e­levate your online pre­sence without breaking a swe­at. It’s like having a design fairy godmother sprinkle­ her magic on your website. Ge­t ready to captivate your audience­ and leave a lasting impression that goe­s beyond just appearances.

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