Foxic – Modern and Clean, Multipurpose Shopify Theme Donwload Free(Nulled)

Breathe life into your next website with CodeCanyon’s expansive marketplace of downloadable goodies. From captivating WordPress themes and dynamic PHP calendars to stunning CSS animations and feature-rich Shopify templates, CodeCanyon equips you with the building blocks to craft unique online experiences. Dive into a treasure chest overflowing with scripts and plugins designed to simplify your development process and make your projects stand out. Unlock your creative potential and empower your web presence with CodeCanyon’s ever-growing library of developer essentials.

Download Free Foxic – Modern and Clean, Multipurpose Shopify Theme Nulled

Take the Guesswork Out of WordPress & Blogger Design!
Stop scouring the internet for the perfect theme or script. Our one-of-a-kind platform lets you preview a massive collection of downloadable resources before you buy. Explore themes, plugins, and scripts directly on our site – no purchase required! We link to freely available resources from third-party developers, giving you a chance to test-drive features and ensure the item fulfills your needs. Once you find a perfect match, support the creators by purchasing directly from the original developers for ongoing support and updates. Build a website you’ll love with the power of preview and informed decision-making!

How to download Foxic – Modern and Clean, Multipurpose Shopify Theme Free ($45) and Nulled

Transform Your Website­ with the Elegance of Foxic – Modern and Clean, Multipurpose Shopify Theme . Imagine a design that exude­s sophistication, effortlessly guiding visitors on their journe­y. That’s the power of [Original Title]. We­’ve meticulously crafted a use­r experience­ that’s both delightful and functional. No more struggling – with [Original Title], you can e­levate your online pre­sence without breaking a swe­at. It’s like having a design fairy godmother sprinkle­ her magic on your website. Ge­t ready to captivate your audience­ and leave a lasting impression that goe­s beyond just appearances.

Finally, we did the best product for YOU!

You will be surprised at the flexibility and comfort in the process of customizing the theme. We give a tooth that the FOXic theme in your store will make hundreds of sales per day, and this is not the limit. This is facilitated by a well-thought-out UI and site style: a wide site with a well-thought-out mobile interface.
Buy our theme and enjoy it!

Foxic - Modern and Clean, Multipurpose Shopify Theme - 1
Foxic - Modern and Clean, Multipurpose Shopify Theme - 2

Some Live stores based on FOXic shopify theme:

  • Fashion RTL
  • Games
  • Medical
  • T-Shirts
  • Music
  • Sport Nutrition
  • Cosmetics
  • Fashion
  • Accessories
  • Merch
  • Fashion Art
  • Fashion
  • Electronics
  • Cosmetics
  • Software
  • Fashion Accessories
  • Toys
  • T-Shirts
  • Fishing
  • Fashion Masks
  • Fashion Masks

Foxic - Shopify Theme

Foxic - Shopify Theme
Foxic - Shopify Theme

Foxic - Shopify Theme

Foxic - Shopify Theme


  • 20+ premade home pages
  • 50+ html pages
  • Multi-Browser Support
  • Creative And Modern Design
  • Inner Banners Editor
  • Well organized SCSS structure
  • 500+ SCSS variables
  • Sticky add to cart on product page
  • RTL support
  • Ready for e-commerce integration
  • Sticky Header
  • Multilevel menu
  • Versatile Megamenu
  • Product variations swatches / dropdowns / colorpics
  • Product zoom
  • Quick view / Product Countdown
  • Easy to use slider
  • Various carousels
  • Follow up Absent product feature (only our theme has it)
  • Google Web Fonts
  • Google Map
  • Newsletter Popup
  • SEO Optimized
  • Friendly lazy loader
  • Extended Documentation
  • and many more…


  • jQuery- JavaScript Library
  • Bootstrap- Bootstrap by Twitter
  • Slick- jQuery carousel plugin
  • Images Loaded – jQuery plugin for detect when images are loaded
  • jQuery Countdown- jQuery Countdown plugin
  • jQuery elevateZoom- jQuery imagezoom plugin
  • jQuery ezPlus- jQuery imagezoom plugin
  • jQuery Validation Plugin
  • jQuery Form Plugin
  • jQuery Instagram Feed
  • jQuery Bootstrap TabCollapse
  • Perfect Scrollbar- jQuery custom scrollbar plugin
  • Bootstrap select- jQuery custom bootstrap select plugin
  • Lazysizes- jQuery lazy loader plugin
  • jQuery cookie
  • CSS Animation Library

Change log

18 May 2021, version 2.6

-collection page colorization fixed
-instagram new API compatibility

12 January 2021, version 2.5

New Release 2.5
added 7 new skins: 
-New skin Mugs and Cups, 
-New skin Lingerie, 
-New skin Pets, 
-New skin Jewelry, 
-New skin Flowers, 
-New skin Electro Scooters, 
-New skin Fashion Plus Size.
added new widgets:
- Category List & Banners Hover Change
- Lookbook & Product Hover Change
- Lookbook + Product Card Section
- New Testimonials Section
- New Blog Posts Section
- Custom Text + Icons Section
- Video + Custom Text Section
added new scheme for Banners grid Section    
added new arrows style for products carousels (Jewelry skin)
added dotted style for products carousels
added horizontal product card style for grid
added the Blink effect for a Slider (Jewelry skin)
added animated background for Category Grid section (Cups and Mugs skin)
added animated background for Icons + Text Section (Pets skin)
fixed some issues

23 November 2020, version 2.4

-added 3 new skin: Christmas, Stationary, Toothbrushes
-added new route URLs for multi-languages
-added discount value to the cart
-added new promo popup
-updated jquery to 3.5.1
-added 10 new sections
-added snow effect for slider
-fixed some issues

15 October 2020, version 2.3

-added Skin Halloween + new widgets
-added start creative promo popup with different animation effects
-added option show banners for all collections
-added option show menu item on mobile only
-added headings for banner grid
-fixed header cart updating count + total
-fixed Order Note on the cart page
-fixed order info page on the customer dashboard
-minor fixes/improvements

17 September 2020, version 2.2

- added skin BOOKs
- added option change empty cart icon
- added exit store popup
- added new home page widgets
- minor fixes

20 August 2020, version 2.1

- ADDED SKIN FoodMarket
- ADDED new home page widgets
- fixed JS issue on product options click if option (variant) without image
- added old currency support (needed for 3rd part currencies apps)
- fixed product localization for a module "countdown" 
- fixed: add to cart product button did not work add to cart button caption had "quotes" 
- added dynamic individual custom variables (line properties) on product page 

July 10, version 2.0

Added SKIN Fashion Classic
Added SKIN Medical
Added SKIN Fishing
Added SKIN Vaping
Added video support for Product Page gallery
Added new footer (style 6)
New section "Banners Grid Collection" 
New section "Products Grid with Tabs" 
New section "Hot Product" 
New section "Shop info" 
New section "Product Carousel + Image" 
Added additional settings for "Lookbook" section
Added advanced settings for "Blog Carousel" section
Added paralax effect for "Banner Fullwidth" section
Added advanced settings for Banners sections
Added prebuild banners grid for "Banners Grid" section
Added new product label style
Added option for "Select Options" button linked to the Product Page
Added options for disable sticky "Add To Cart" popup
Added option openinig minicart after adding to cart action
Added additional settings for Sharing & Links Box (Product Page)
Added additional settings for Headings typography (font size, weight, margin)
Added link for some section headings (collection, blogs, etc)
Added round button settings
Added global product short description
Fixed Header Phone and Store Hours for Header 7
Added Service icon settings for header
Added new product label style
Added color setings for Tab content
Added new visual loader for ajax loadings
Added new lazyload preloader
Added option lined Menu items
Added custom font support
Fixed some RTL issues

May 16, version 1.3

-added new BIKES SKIN
-new widget "Single creative carousel" (example in Bikes skin)
-new widget "Lookbook" (example in Bikes skin)
-new widget "Banners Grid" (example in Bikes skin)
-new advanced widget "products grid with tabs and tag filters"  (example in default skin)
-new widget "Testimonials" (example in Bikes skin)
-added localstorage Wishlist

May 06, version 1.2

-added new GAMES SKIN
-main cart page added data-max for quantity changer
-added product metafield size popup(individual)
-added youtube video widget (demonstration on games skin)
-added error popup in cart page for ending item
-fixed creative carousel
-added option enable/disable loader "product image" on product page
-locales updated
-added qty changer for header cart
-minicart redesign 
-added footer 6
-added new widget Blog Posts Carousel
-added checkbox Open description Tab on mobile by default on product page
-added second style (classic rectangle) for block Someone has just purchased an item
-added option to control media / content width on the product page
-added option to control media width/height in quick view popup
-added option HOVER effect of the second image on the product previews
-added option to control count of the small previews on the product page

April 21, version 1.1

- added NEW COSMETICS skin
- added NEW ELECTRONICS skin
- added second quick view popup Classic style
- added 'follow up' for absent variants variants 
- added second newsletter popup Classic style
- added settings for Brands section (items per row)
- added hover settings for icons block
- added option Small Label for product previews
- added new Text section Text + Background
- added items background for Categories section
- added Header option transparent
- Welcome Text section added Title Size settings
- fixed minor issues
- updated main theme color balance

April 12, version 1.0.2

-fixed collection loader button
-fixed creative carousel (tabbed)

April 08, version 1.0.1

-added default width 1600px
-replaced products grid widget (removed left image)
-voucher is disabled by default in the footer
-fixed sidebar in collection

* Images from demo are not included in theme files.

Tags : accessories,bikes,clothing shopify themes,cosmetics,ecommerce,electronics,fashion,fashion shopify themes,fashion store,fishing,medical,modern,shopify,shopify theme,shopify themes

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