Exclusive FlipBook WordPress Plugin Donwload Free(Nulled)

Breathe life into your next website with CodeCanyon’s expansive marketplace of downloadable goodies. From captivating WordPress themes and dynamic PHP calendars to stunning CSS animations and feature-rich Shopify templates, CodeCanyon equips you with the building blocks to craft unique online experiences. Dive into a treasure chest overflowing with scripts and plugins designed to simplify your development process and make your projects stand out. Unlock your creative potential and empower your web presence with CodeCanyon’s ever-growing library of developer essentials.

Download Free Exclusive FlipBook WordPress Plugin Nulled

At our platform, we take pride in providing an unparalleled resource for WordPress and Blogger web design aficionados worldwide. Here, you have exclusive access to a vast array of themes, plugins, and scripts, allowing you to explore and evaluate them before making a purchase directly from the original developer/designer. We encourage you to support the creators flashmaniac by acquiring the products that meet your needs and expectations for commercial use. It’s worth noting that our platform acts solely as a conduit, offering download links sourced from third-party sites across the internet, ensuring transparency and accessibility for all users.

How to download Exclusive FlipBook WordPress Plugin Free ($25) and Nulled

The Exclusive FlipBook WordPress Plugin provides an amazing experie­nce. This design is carefully made­ with elegance, use­ful features, and smooth operation. It give­s your online site a higher le­vel effortlessly.

Bookshelf for flipbooks:

See my other Books:

Exclusive FlipBook WordPress Plugin - 1
Exclusive FlipBook WordPress Plugin - 2


  • you do not need to buy and install additional libraries
  • works on the iPad,iPhone etc. ( no Flash Player needed )
  • WYSIWYG editor
  • reverse flip book for the eastern countries (right to left)
  • shortcode – you can put flipbook anywhere in content ( page, post, custom post etc)
  • insert scripts in section head – only subpages where is the shortcode flipbook
  • you can disable / enable individual icons in the admin panel
  • icon fullScreen ( only works under FF and Chrome )
  • you can change the zoom to double click the mouse
  • you can change the zoom step for zoomIn and for zoomOut
  • you can enable / disable deeplinking (string at the end of the browser’s address)
  • youtube videos are shown on a layer above book
  • responsive design
  • the flipbook does not show all the page – only 7 pages is displayed / loaded
    ( It really improves the performance )
  • you can create an unlimited number of flipbooks on one theme
  • unlimited number of pages to flipbook
  • double pages
  • show all pages
  • excellent tools to zoom
  • ajax form
  • and other…

Screenshoot the admin: (more screenshot here):

Exclusive FlipBook WordPress Plugin - 3
Exclusive FlipBook WordPress Plugin - 4
Exclusive FlipBook WordPress Plugin - 5
Exclusive FlipBook WordPress Plugin - 6

Version 1.6- VI.2019

+  fixed: firefox issue

Version 1.5- VI.2016

+  fixed  admin bar at the front

Version 1.4- 1.XII.2014

+ I fixed table of content

Version 1.3- 30.X.2014

+ fixed the error "error load book" 

Version 1.2 – 04.III.2014

+ deleted conflict with plugin  NexGen Gallery

Tags : flip book,flipbook,flipbook jquery,flipbook wordpress,jquery flipbook,online magazine,page flip,page turn,pageflip,pdf,pdf flipbook,pdf viewer,plugin wordpress,responsive flipbook,wordpress flipbook

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