Donwload Free Email Opt-In Lead Generation WordPress Plugin — Ninja Kick Nulled

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Ninja Kick: Subscription WordPress Plugin is a premium list building plugin that adds subscription form with push/sliding animation effect and clean design on your WordPress website or blog. It’s simple-to-use yet powerful tool with a lot of opening patterns and analytics available. With this product you can easily increase the number of your subscribers rocketing your traffic this way!

Plugin improves old UX patterns being used for ages. People are tired of intrusive and irritating pop-ups. Which is common cause of reduced desire to subscribe. With Ninja Kick: Subscription WordPress Plugin your visitors are still attracted to opt-in form but in non obstructive and elegant way. There is no need to search for close button anymore. And website content is visible and does not overlap.

It’s third plugin for series and it uses all proven techniques of its siblings from Ninja Kick Series. By the way they are all compatible and can work along with each other. Plugin makes use of modern CSS3 transitions, has layout responsive to screen size changes, works well on mobile devices and reacts on swipe gestures.

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Mailing services supported:

  • MailChimp
  • Get Response
  • Constant Contact
  • FreshMail
  • MailPoet
  • E-Goi
  • Mad Mimi
  • Campaign Monitor
  • MailRelay
  • iContact
  • Mailster (MyMail)
  • AWeber
  • Request your mailing service or feature!

NK Subscription Plugin increases your traffic

If you’re looking for more universal WordPress solution of sliding panel for extra content with same off-canvas effect take a look at Ninja Kick: Sliding Panel for WordPress. You can put there any shortcode of your favourite opt-in plugin!

How it works

Subscription form can be triggered by user action, on page load, scrolling to anchored element etc. When being triggered site content pushes away and beautiful form is exposed instantly. Without waiting on page loading. Without annoying pop-ups.

Use beautiful built-in floating button to expose the form by user action. Or hide this label and make opt-in form being exposed by clicking any element on your page. Whatever it is banner, link, button etc. You can use unlimited trigger elements for any page.

By manipulating display rules it’s possible to hide or show opt-in form based on your preferences. You can create various forms and assign them for different pages on your website easily.

NK: Subscription WordPress Plugin features

NK Plugins are compatible
NK: Subscription WordPress Plugin features

More features:

  • Custom JS code execution after subscription. Use it for example for Google Analytics tracking code.
  • Statistics for each form, views, subscriptions and conversion rates (screenshot).
  • Additional fields: Name, Phone, City.
  • Client-side form validation and form AJAX submission.
  • You have option to hide label and trigger contact form opening from any element on page (menu button, link, image). Follow this guide.
  • Different opening patterns:


  • User-friendly Settings page.
  • Subscription form adjusts its layout automatically for the best view depending on fields you filled on Settings page.
  • 15 patterned and 15 blurred built-in backgrounds and you can upload and use your own.
  • Swipes support for mobile devices.
  • Localization for languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Polish, Dutch. If you have improvements please PM to me your translations.
  • Social links bar.


Known issues

Chrome browser has some glitches rendering fixed background (background-attachment:fixed rule) after CSS transformations applied (which is happening when plugin pushes content). Background becomes static and flickers. This cannot be fixed until Chrome devs fix this for their browser. Plugin applies workaround for this case when body element has fixed background. For rest elements it applies background attachment ‘static’ in Chrome. You can use slide out animation option instead of pushing content if you want your background to be fixed.

Plugin doesn’t support RTL (right-to-left) sites, use at your own risk, customizations are required.

Subscription Email List WordPress Plugin — Ninja Kick - 2


Version 1.5 Latest

[1.5.7] Compatibility with latest Rev Slider
[1.5.6] Fix for header image
[1.5.5] Fix for admin white page in latest WordPress in some cases
[1.5.4] SEO optimization
[1.5.1 - 1.5.3] MailChimp API integration improvements
[1.5] MailChimp API updated

Version 1.4

[1.4] WMPL language detection for displaying rules fixed

Version 1.3.3-1.3.7

- Various tweaks and fix for scroll for page height percentage
- Custom JS code execution after subscription (eg. tracking code)
- Freshmail API updated in 1.3.6
- Icon setting fix in 1.3.7

Version 1.3.2

- FreshMail support

Version 1.3.1

- E-Goi support
- Mad Mimi support
- Campaign Monitor support
- Fix for usecase when list names contain some characters (in 1.3.1)

Version 1.2.0—1.2.4

- Exporting opt-ins to CSV format
- More additional optional fields: Name, Phone, City
- MailPoet support
- Mailrelay support

Version 1.1.5

- MyMail support added
- Desktop Safari fixes (in 1.1.2)
- AWeber support added  (in 1.1.5)
- Optional Name field in Form (in 1.1.5)
- Fix for IE9 when overlay stays visible after form closing and prevents links to be clicked (in 1.1.5)

Version 1.0

- Plugin is approved on CodeCanyon
- Hotfixes in 1.0.x

Ninja Kick Series plugins

All plugins are compatible and develop synchronously. You may expect new features available for all of them. Purchasing on CodeCanyon guarantees lifetime free updates.



We are interested to improve the product with focus on clients’ satisfaction. You can directly affect priorities of development by requesting your mailing service or feature! If you have issues send message via this contact form and we’ll try to update/fix asap.

Subscription Email List WordPress Plugin — Ninja Kick - 3

You may also like:

  • Superfly — Responsive WordPress Menu Plugin
  • Flow-Flow — WordPress Social Stream Plugin
  • Ninja Kick: WordPress Contact Form Plugin

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Download Free Email Opt-In Lead Generation WordPress Plugin — Ninja Kick Nulled

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How to download Email Opt-In Lead Generation WordPress Plugin — Ninja Kick Free ($25) and Nulled

Begin an e­xcellent trip with Email Opt-In Lead Generation WordPress Plugin — Ninja Kick. Eve­ry part is carefully made to be fancy and use­ful. It has an amazing user experie­nce. Easily boost your online prese­nce as you enter this fine­ly tuned, great design. Discove­r the top of web design innovation. Each part smoothly joins to boost use­r engagement and satisfaction. Le­t Email Opt-In Lead Generation WordPress Plugin — Ninja Kick be your doorway to digital success. Cre­ativity joins with beauty to redefine­ your online identity.

Tags : Aweber,benchmark,constant contact,getresponse,icontact,lead,list building,mail,mailchimp,mailing,marketing,mymail,newsletter,opt-in,subscription

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