Donwload Free Android Yellow Pages (Place, Location, Search, Directory) Nulled

Android Yellow Pages App source code is very clean source code to start your own android app with yellow pages features at an affordable price

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For Support Inquiry – Skype: support.viaviweb (Working Hours)

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Demo Admin Panel

Username: admin
Password: admin

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Android App Features

  1. Offline-Information stored in the Favorites can also be Retrieved even if you are offline
  2. Add to Favorite
  3. Display Directory Full Details
  4. All Device Compatibility
  5. AdMob Integrated
  6. Favorite Directory Display Separate
  7. Check Network Availability
  8. Direct Web Open
  9. Tap to Call
  10. One Signal Push Notification
  11. New About us / Privacy Policy
  12. Google Map
  13. AdMob Ads (Banners, Interstitials & Native Ads)
  14. Facebook Ads (Banners, Interstitials & Native Ads)
  15. StartIO/StartApp Ads (Banners, Interstitials & Native Ads)
  16. Applovin Ads (Banners, Interstitials & Native Ads)
  17. Wortise Ads (Banners, Interstitials & Native Ads)

Admin Panel Features

  • Simple and Attractive Admin Panel.
  • Add Unlimited Category and Places.
  • App Settings Manage from admin
  • About Us and Privacy Policy Page Manage from admin
  • Json Service

What You will Get:

  • Full android application source code with standard documentations
  • Full PHP source code for admin panel with standard documentations
  • Android Package hierarchy (that tells which class is used for what).

Server Requirements

  • PHP >= 7.4.
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP Extension
  • url PHP Extension
  • http PHP Extension

NOTE: Support will provided for Linux Hosting only (Support not Provided for Localhost, Free Hosting or Windows Base Hosting)


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Change Log


Android Side

- Updated Target SDK to 34
- New UMP based GDPR added
- Dependencies updated
- Android Studio Flamingo | 2022.2.1 Patch 1 version recommended


Android Side

- Wortise AdNetwork Added
- Document Updated
- Latest Dependencies

PHP Side

- Wortise Ad Added
- API Changes


Android Side

- Updated SDK to 31
- Updated Libraries
- Supports Android 12
- Added Support For AdMob and Facebook Native Ads
- Added Support For StartIO/StartApp Ads (Banners, Interstitials & Native Ads)
- Added Support For Applovin Ads (Banners, Interstitials & Native Ads)
- Fixed Bugs
- Document Updated

PHP Side

- Bug Fixed
- Document Updated
- Admin UI Updated 


- Target SDK 30
- Admob Ads v20
- OneSignal Updated
- Facebook Ads via AdMob Bidding
- Android Studio Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 Patch 1
- Fixed Bugs

19 September 2019

- Code Compatible till Android 9.0 and Android Studio 3.4.2(recommended)
- Updated Code and other libraries to Support SDK 28
- Interstitial Ads issue fixed
- RTL Added
- Firebase Analytics 

22 June 2018

- Compatible with Android Studio 3.1.3
- AdMob GDPR Added
- OneSignal Notification inside Admin
- Ads On/Off from Admin
- Secure API Url
- Listing View Count
- New Admin UI


 - New Design (App & Admin)
 - Featured Listing 
 - About us / Privacy Policy
 - Bug fixed


StartApp SDK Updated.


Compatible With Android Studio.
Add Push Notification.
Add Google Analytic.

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Download Free Android Yellow Pages (Place, Location, Search, Directory) Nulled

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How to download Android Yellow Pages (Place, Location, Search, Directory) Free ($22) and Nulled

Transform Your Website­ with the Elegance of Android Yellow Pages (Place, Location, Search, Directory) . Imagine a design that exude­s sophistication, effortlessly guiding visitors on their journe­y. That’s the power of [Original Title]. We­’ve meticulously crafted a use­r experience­ that’s both delightful and functional. No more struggling – with [Original Title], you can e­levate your online pre­sence without breaking a swe­at. It’s like having a design fairy godmother sprinkle­ her magic on your website. Ge­t ready to captivate your audience­ and leave a lasting impression that goe­s beyond just appearances.

Tags : admob with gdpr,Android yellow pages App,directory listing,google map,one signal,tap to call

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