Donwload Free HR Payroll module for Perfex CRM Nulled

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script.

Brief description

HR Payroll module allows you to pay your employees quickly and correctly every time you run payroll. The right system can shave hours off your payroll process, help you pay payroll taxes, and comply with labor laws.

HR Payroll for Perfex CRM

HR Payroll for Perfex CRM


Module Features

  1. Employee Profile Management
  2. Attendance Information Management
  3. Commission Information Management
  4. Salary Deductions
  5. KPI Bonus
  6. Insurance Management
  7. Income Taxes Management
  8. Payslip Template Management
  9. Payslips Management
  10. Settings:
    • Income Tax Rates
    • Income Tax Rebates
    • Earnings List
    • Salary Deductions List
    • Insurance List
    • Payroll Columns Management
    • PDF Payslip Templates Management
    • Data Integration
    • Currency Rates Management
    • Permissions Management
  11. Report:
    • Payroll Report
    • Income Summary Report
    • Insurance Cost Summary Report
    • Payroll Overview (Chart)
    • Payroll Department Overview (Chart)
  12. Integration: master data can be imported from data files or can be synchronized with modules
    • HR Records module for Perfex CRM
    • Timesheets and Leave Management for Perfex CRM
    • Sales Commission Program for Perfex CRM
    • Accounting and Bookkeeping module for Perfex CRM


HR Payroll Module Demo


Included documentation will help you upload and activate the module inside Perfex CRM, if you are not aware on how to do it.


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Guys from support department will get back to you as soon as possible with a reply, guiding you through any issues.


Version 1.0.0 / 2021-04-26

    Initial version

Version 1.0.1 / 2021-05-16

    Add view (Own) permission: Employees, Attendance, Commissions, Deductions, Bonus Kpi, Insurance, Payslips, Payslip templates, Income taxes,...
    Calculate the hourly payroll of the task or project.

Version 1.0.2 / 2021-05-18

    Update sync feature with Timesheet & Leave module.

Version 1.0.3 / 2022-04-24

    Fix minor bugs.
    Update view payslip
    PDF for payslip: view, download ( one employee or multiple by month).
    Add view Own permission for module: related to employees, attendance, commissions, deductions, bonus KPI, insurance, payslips, payslip templates, Income taxes.
    Improve integration features with HR Records module:: view my payslip on the data table, and PDF add two-column "basic salary", "allowance".
    Setting salary deduction list add new option: choose to deduct salary according to any column in the list of earning list.
    Employees: add bank name and bank account columns.

Version 1.0.4 / 2022-05-21

    Update features: payslip templates and payslips

Version 1.0.5 / 2022-05-25

    Fix minor bugs.

Version 1.0.6 / 2024-06-02

    Fix bug filer on Report: Insurance cost summary report
    Payslip: Allows creating payslips by time interval
    Payslip: Update in 1 month 1 employee can have multiple payslips
    Attendance: Add a tab for detailed management timesheet leave (paid leave time, Unpaid leave time): allows entering details day by day, add, edit, delete, update
    Attendance: when syncing from the past timesheet, the module will sync to the upper tab and automatically recalculate

Version 1.0.7 / 2024-06-02

    Fix bug: Data synchronization from the timesheet module
    Fix errors related to the Handsontable library
    Synchronize bank name and bank account number, Contract data from HR records module.
    Settings: customize which columns will display on the payslip screen in employee details.
    Create a PDF template for the Payslip
    Apply the created PDF template to the corresponding pay slips

Version 1.0.8 / 2024-06-02

    Add new field in staff profile: epf_no, social_security_no
    Add new field in payslip: epf_no, social_security_no

Version 1.0.9 / 2024-06-02

    Add setting currency rates
    Allows creating payslips by currency
    Update screens and functions related to currency in payslip: payslip in employee details, payslip pdf, payslip report
    Fix bug:  add remove column when editing Payslip Template.
    Payslip download ZIP, fix error of employee without an Employee ID number when exporting pay slip, no pay slip PDF file will be created
    Upgrade source code to be compatible with PHP 8.1.
    Upgraded features to be compatible with the latest version of Perfex CRM.

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Download Free HR Payroll module for Perfex CRM Nulled

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Tags : attendance,earnings,erp,income taxes,insurance,kpi bonus,payroll,payroll taxes,payroll template,payslip,perfex,perfex crm,perfex modules,salary,salary deduction

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